Customer Comments
“We spoke a week ago and you were so kind as to priority mail the half rubber to my son on the west coast. It arrived the same day me and my other two sons did. I am sending you a few pictures of the boys and one girl playing half rubber on the Malibu coast line. It was beautiful and they had a blast. Thanks again for all your help. My son will be trying to teach others so hopefully it will take off.”
“We just played an improptu half rubber game at our little league party here in Pennsylvania and it was a big hit. Several people left asking for your website and how to order balls. I grew up playing this game in the Hunley Park Naval housing development in the ‘70s in North Charleston. Our art teacher introduced the game to us at school and it took off from there. We had 10 to 12 two man teams in the ‘hood and we were serious players. Families had to start keeping their brooms inside as the sticks were a sought after commodity in those days! I have kept the game alive everywhere I have lived and hopefully just brought the game to a few new people in the Philly ‘burbs. Thanks for the site and making the bat and balls available (a few brooms will live to sweep another day and fingers will be safe from cutting balls in half!)”
“I look forward to receiving the order, when growing up in Savannah playing half rubber with whatever stick and balls we could find I=d never have dreamed I=d be ordering using them over something called the internet with a computer instead of just picking them up at the corner family owned store. Thanks for keeping the game alive down there and I=ll try to convert some Virginians to it over the upcoming holiday weekend at the Outer Banks!”
“The tournament was a big success; I was actually turning teams down because it was getting too big! I had such a good response from the tournament, that we’re starting a league toward the beginning of August.”
“I just played halfrubber for the first time this weekend down in Savannah, GA. I can’t wait for my own set. I am planning a trip up to Canada the weekend of August 18th, and am hoping to introduce the game to all of my family and friends up north. I hope we get them in time. Thanks a lot!”
“Well I appreciate the effort keeping this alive. My friend showed me the game camping a while go and I got hooked. I haven’t heard anything of it since. I go to NC State and I plan on this being something that my friends and I do all of the time.”
We'd love to hear from you! If you have any stories or comments to share please send them our way!